
HL Jeans Co

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Rihanna does VOGUE April 2011... Who's excited?

In answer to my question above, me! I'm excited! Despite what a lot of people say, I LOVE Rihanna, I love her style, I love her music & she seems a genuinely nice person in the interviews I have seen.

Of course, some of what she wears isn't 'conventional' and she doesn't always hit the nail on the head, but it's nice to see someone a bit different and not possessing the long Kim Kardashian curls wearing the same thing everyday just in different colours, although I do love KK...

The cover for Vogue America's April edition as been released and I am loving it!

A certain Mermaid theme has appeared and you could say Rihanna is modelling her image on the famous Ariel from the Little Mermaid, with the skin tight dress and the fierce red hair.

There's a lot of different opinions regarding Rihanna's famous red hair, but I for one love it. Red's a tricky colour to pull off and requires a lot of maintenance, obviously someone as famous as Rihanna probably has a hair stylist on call 24/7 to make sure her hair is always kept in tip top condition and the colour is always glistening. For us peasants, as much as we'd like a hair stylist on call 24/7, this isn't possible, and there's only so much that 'Nice n Easy' root touch up can do before ... putting it bluntly, your hair looks shit. 

Anyway, enough rambling, this was just a quick post regarding one of my favourite style icon's. Ariel. Jks got love for RiRi.

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