
HL Jeans Co

Friday, February 18, 2011


Well I'm back from my trip to Nepal... It was absolutely amazing and I think I surprised myself at how well I coped in such vast conditions... Never did I think I would be able to handle living in a tent for a week but I proved myself wrong and actually enjoyed myself!

Now... onto the fashion side of things. As you can imagine my outfits weren't exactly chic or stylish, trackies and hoodies were just about the extent of my wardrobe for the week... and whilst doing adventure sports my outfits were a little more like this...

(sorry for poor image quality)
So yeah... you could say practicality took over my image this week. I did however get some gorgeous accessories from a market in Kathmandu on our last day, I'll post about them with plenty of pictures as soon as my camera is charged!!

& eating buffalo and doing extreme sports for a week hasn't been bad for the waistline either so I'm pleased about that! 

Ahh it's good to back into the old blog, I missed this! More updates soon...

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